First post of the year, very cool. Anyways, I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but Spark and I are working on a project for a zine, it's a small comic and we're both excited about it because it's coming out great, the work she's doing is fantastic and it looks very good combined with what I made. She seems to be very happy with it in general and that makes me very happy too :D.
On another note, the way she talks is very cute to me, I'm more used to the american english style of talking and her voice, accent and vocabulary are very nice to hear, it just sounds very smooth and I could listen to her talk for hours. She reads stories out loud sometimes while we're in chat, either for me or other people in the server, and she does a fantastic job at that, doing all the character voices and such. Idk, it's just fun and nice to hear her talk. My voice and accent are probably annoying since I can't pronounce stuff well (english is not my first language) and I forget words often, making me pause and stop the flow of the conversation. I'm not that self conscious about it, but it is a thing that bothers me from time to time, not because I seem annoying but because she might find me annoying. It's strange, I usually don't care that much about people's opinions of me for their sake, instead I mostly care because of the way my image changes (does that make sense?). What I also worry about is sounding gay, which is fucking stupid, I know, there's nothing wrong with sounding like that, the thing is that I don't want her to think I'm gay because that would mean I'm not attracted to her you know? That's mostly the problem, I want to sound and be attractive to her and, ugh...
Strange, I wasn't planning on writing that much today but I went off on a tangent and boom, insecurities.